Dark Psychology: What You Need to Know About Persuasion, Manipulation, NLP, Negotiation, Deception, and Human Psychology by Neil Morton

Dark Psychology: What You Need to Know About Persuasion, Manipulation, NLP, Negotiation, Deception, and Human Psychology by Neil Morton

Overview: If you want to master the techniques for negotiation, persuasion, manipulation, and mind control, then keep reading…
Two manuscripts in one book:
Dark Psychology: Master Persuasion, Negotiation, and NLP and Unlock the Power of Understanding Manipulation, Deception, and Human Behavior
NLP: The Ultimate Guide to Using NeuroLinguistic Programming for Persuasion, Negotiation, Mind Control, and Manipulation, along with Dark Psychology Techniques to Increase Your Social Influence
Although we do not want to, the world is full of manipulation and deception today.