University Pack #8

University Pack


01. Everyday Cryptography. Fundamental Principles and Applications (Oxford University)
02. Origins of Darwin’s Evolution. Solving the Species Puzzle Through Time and Place (Columbia University)
03. The Moral Economists. R. H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E. P. Thompson, and the Critique of Capitalism (Princeton University)
04. The Elephant in the Brain. Hidden Motives in Everyday Life (Oxford University)
05. The House of Government. A Saga of the Russian Revolution (Princeton University)
06. Boundaries and Beyond. China’s Maritime Southeast in Late Imperial Times (University of Singapore)
07. Worried About the Wrong Things. Youth, Risk, and Opportunity in the Digital World (MIT)
08. Where Three Worlds Met. Sicily in the Early Medieval Mediterranean (Cornell University)
09. Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason (Oxford University)