MADE IN CHINA: A Memoir of Love and Labor, by Anna Qu

MADE IN CHINA: A Memoir of Love and Labor, by Anna Qu

In a narrative laced with bitterness and aching, Qu recounts trimming loose threads off sleeves in her immigrant family’s sweatshop in Queens and honors the complexity of her mother, a daunting figure who often comes across as domineering, capricious and dismissive. Chanel Miller reviews it alongside another new memoir of immigrant life, Ly Tran’s “House of Sticks,” and says both authors “capture the confusion and wonder of lives spent looking. … The immigrant child longs to be understood and unload her truths, while simultaneously being tasked with preserving her parents’ humanity. The child is the only one who wears a small headlamp, attempting to tunnel into her parent’s pasts and excavate the stories that will locate the source of their erratic behavior, buried fear and sporadic violence, providing a more forgiving lens.”