Felienne Hermans – The Programmer’s Brain

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Felienne Hermans – The Programmer’s Brain


In The Programmer’s Brain: What every programmer needs to know about cognition you will learn:

– Fast and effective ways to master new programming languages
– Speed reading skills to quickly comprehend new code
– Techniques to unravel the meaning of complex code
– Ways to learn new syntax and keep it memorized
– Writing code that is easy for others to read
– Picking the right names for your variables
– Making your codebase more understandable to newcomers
– Onboarding new developers to your team

Learn how to optimize your brain’s natural cognitive processes to read code more easily, write code faster, and pick up new languages in much less time. This book will help you through the confusion you feel when faced with strange and complex code, and explain a codebase in ways that can make a new team member productive in days!