Dark Psychology and Manipulation: The Definitive Guide to Learning the Art of Persuasion, Hypnosis and Mind Control by Michael Bradberry

Dark Psychology and Manipulation: The Definitive Guide to Learning the Art of Persuasion, Hypnosis and Mind Control by Michael Bradberry

Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational

Overview: The human brain has been one of the most fascinating things. It has seen increase in number of interested parties. The increased level of interest is because of its complex nature as people try to uncover what information it holds. The process of understanding has seen the development of dark psychology that uses manipulation and deception as its tools.

Seeking to understand dark psychology has the first basic. This requires you to get a critical concept. The concept entails a person knowing the poles of communication. There are common poles are they are four in number. The knowledge about knowing the poles of communication goes a notch deeper to help you get to know what levels they have.

The knowledge here gives you the base to knowing how to understand certain techniques to protect yourself from manipulation and deception.